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1. M. J. Chen, Y. T. Shih, M. K. Wu, and F. Y. Tsai*, “Enhancement in the efficiency of light emission from silicon by a thin Al2O3 surface-passivating layer grown by atomic layer deposition at low temperature,” Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 101, Issue 3, Article Number: 033130, 2007. (4 pages)

2. Szu-Ping Fu, Chia-Ju Yu, T. T. Chen, Geng-Ming Hsu, Miin-Jang Chen, Li-Chyong Chen*, Kuei-Hsien Chen, and Yang-Fang Chen*, “Anomalous optical properties of InN nanobelts: evidence of surface band bending and photoelastic effect,” Advanced Materials, Volume 19, Issue 24, Pages: 4524 – 4529, 2007. (6 pages)


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